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Snake plants: And everything you need to know about them!

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  • Reading time:3 mins read

Snake Plants are related to the corn plant and belong to the same family. They’re quite easy to grow and can be either kept indoors or outdoors in temperate climates. These small plants are great for decorating your space because they can help make you feel at ease while working, as they promote a positive vibe and release oxygen during the nighttime hours! This way, you will return home feeling more relaxed.

The snake plant is one of the most adaptable plants that grow indoors. They can live in almost any type of lighting – whether it’s indirect light or they are directly exposed to the sun. Plants usually need a lot of light, especially when it comes to photosynthesis, but this plant is not picky at all!

Snake plants do not require a lot of water, and it’s best to err on the side of underwatering with this plant. In fact, the sansevieria is extremely drought resistant and can go long periods without a single drop of water. Water once every ten days to two weeks, or whenever the topsoil is completely dry. Avoid overwatering, and be careful not to wet your snake plant’s leaves, as they are very susceptible to rot if water gets trapped in between them.

The Snake Plant can grow up to four or five feet tall and a foot wide, although they’re generally slow growers. Fertilize about two times every month in the spring through summer (though this depends on your situation).

To get the most out of your sansevieria plant, familiarize yourself with the beneficial needs and environmental conditions of this specific variety and make provisions for them. At temperatures below fifty degrees, this variety is happy but may need to be moved closer to a window in order to receive adequate sunlight. If your Snake Plant wilts or if its leaves turn yellow, that can mean that it’s either too hot or too cold – but whatever the reason it’s probably in need of more water at this time. This variety thrives best when it has access to bright sunlight for several hours a day, so if you don’t have a particularly sunny spot indoors where you can place the sansevieria between sunset and sunrise then purchasing grow lights may be a good idea!

Snake plants are fascinating to watch- this is why most households love having a snake plant in their home. However, Shrusti Agro also holds many other varieties of house and office plants. Visit Shrusti Agro today!